

Verses For Today

Tisha b' Av - 08/04/70 - The Destruction of the Temple as prophesied in Matthew, Mark and Luke.

Until 10/22/2018 - - - Result: 711,573 days / 31102 verses

Remainder ~ 27329

Verse 27329 | Act 11:21 (32) - 5

And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord. = (792)

Verse 792 | Gen 28:18 (46) 10 - 1

And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.

Acts of the Apostles ~ Eleven - Twenty One = (408) 12 - 3

Genesis ~ Twenty Eight - Eighteen = (307) 10 

(12+10) 22 - 4

(10) 22 (32)

(27329) 23 - 5
(792) 18 - 9
(23+18) 41 - 5

(32+46) 78 - 15 - 6

Original Greek Total 9226 (19) 10 - 1

Verse 9226 | 1Ki 14:7 - - - (7+14) 21 + 1 = (22)

Go, tell Jeroboam, Thus saith YHWH God of Israel, Forasmuch as I exalted thee from among the people, and made thee prince over My people Israel

One kings ~ fourteen - seven = (263) 11 - 2